I know the question is a different one – What to do in hot single night? I was facing these problems for some period during my college periods. I just want to do anything creative as I like creative. Many times I feel someone should have with me. I could have spent time by talking each other. I think on it and I got many answers. I decided to act in some roles like movies. In my childhood I always dream to become a police officer. I imagine I am a police officer and dishu dishu…Sorry I am not crazy.
I stopped to be in fantasies and decided to do something useful when I am single at night. I tried to write some poems and I came to know that I am a very poor poet. Then I started to learn some new vocabulary day by day. It was quite interesting as I learned many new words like ‘assize’, ‘cragfast’, and ‘flummoxed’. I still do this exercise when I am single at night.
I have passion for chess and some times I try to invent new moves in chess board especially alone at night. The silence at night always helped me to create some terrific chess moves. You too can try this.
After joining hub pages I had new reason for stay single at night. I may get some real tips for writing especially when single at night. The beautiful silence of the dark certainly helps us for writing. You just try and feel the result. If you are struggling to get a subject for writing just stay single at night and you will get the result. Please excuse those have dark phobia. Idea…I got new subject for writing – How to get ride of dark phobia?
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